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Dyslexia Screening

In the 2018-19 school year and subsequent years, Ava Elementary shall conduct dyslexia screenings for students in the appropriate year consistent with the findings and recommendations of the task force created under section 633.420. "Dyslexia screening" is a short test conducted by a teacher or school counselor to determine whether a student likely has dyslexia or a related disorder in which a positive result does not represent a medical diagnosis but indicates that the student could benefit from approved support.

Purpose of Universal Screening

Data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) indicate that brain plasticity decreases over time, therefore early intervention is essential to close the gap between struggling readers and their “normally developing” peers (Stanovich, 1986).

Identify students who are at risk for dyslexia or reading failure.

  • Form small groups for instruction and intervention
  • Plan instruction and intervention
  • Set individual goals for student achievement
  • Set exit criteria for intervention window

Who should be screened?

  • Each student from kindergarten through grade 4 each year.
    • Grades 1-4 should be screened within the first 30 days of the school year, with follow up at the middle and end of the year for systematic documentation of progress or lack of progress.
    • Kindergarten initial screening should occur no later than January 31 and also at the end of the year for systematic documentation and progress monitoring.
  • Any student K-4 who transfers from a school within the state that has not previously been screened.
  • Any student K-4 who transfers from another state and cannot present documentation that the student has a previous screening.
    • Exemptions Existing diagnosis of dyslexia
      • Students with a sensory impairment (visual/auditory)
      • Severe intellectual disabilities
      • English Learner’s where tools or staffing related to administration and/or interpretation in the native language is unavailable